
Thank you for participating in our on-line Customer Satisfaction survey.

Your feedback is very important to us. It will help us to identify areas where we can improve services and better understand the needs in our community.

To participate, select a location and/or survey then click the BEGIN SURVEY button (below)

Please note: the purpose of this research is to learn about library users’ perceptions and satisfaction with the services of the University Libraries (Pace Library; Curriculum Materials Library; and, the library at the Fort Walton Beach campus). I am asking library users to complete this electronic survey by answering a series of questions. The potential benefits of this study are to improve library services. The potential risks of participating in this survey are minimal because we collect no personal information; all information is aggregated and summarized. Depending upon the survey instrument you chose, it will take about 7 minutes to complete the brief survey and about 15 minutes to complete the more detailed survey. Your responses will be automatically compiled in a report and cannot be linked to you. All data will be stored in a password protected electronic format. The results of the study will be used to study learn about user perceptions and satisfaction with the libraries, and for the library to make improvements as possible and feasible. By clicking on the “Begin Survey” button, you acknowledge that you have read this information and agree to participate in this research. You are free to withdraw your participation at any time without penalty. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Stephanie Clark (sclark2@uwf.edu) at University Libraries, Building 32 on the Pensacola campus.

Stephanie Clark, Dean of Libraries
University of West Florida Libraries
Location and Version